
my story

Life is a gift.

Life Junkie is a passion project that came from a promise made to a friend during one of the last conversations they had on this earth. I choose to use life lessons to grow, share, inspire and see the bright side of life.

The act of living is ours for the taking.  


This project and the products provided are created to inspire others to live their best lives, to build one another up, share knowledge and gifts with others in hopes that all people will continue to grow and live their life fully and on purpose.



In June 2004, I received a call from my doctor that I had needed to come into the office to review some test results. Two days later, I was receiving news that seems so foreign and alien to me. Four days later, I was back in the hospital undergoing day surgery.

10 years later, I received a random text from an old, dear friend, sharing her news. Again, foreign and alien to me in even more ways than before.

We shared not only the same zeal, zest and ferocity for life, but also the same cancer.

Sadly, she wouldn't have the next 11 years to reflect back on moments like I am... The world lost such a vivacious soul and I owe it to her, to the universe and to myself to live life to the FULLEST.

On January 11, 2014, we all lost
Elayne Bromby Toutant.

My life work has brought me to where I am current day..
… a friend, dog-mom, cat-mom, step-mom, nutritionist, food scientist, interior space coach & home stager, Reiki Master and the title most near and dear to my heart; Life Enthusiast.

I aspire to inspire people to be the best versions of themselves, to live life in integrity and honesty, to nourish their bodies with the best knowledge and nourishment, to surround themselves with organized, calm, beautiful spaces and people and to heal their souls and clear their energies.

I have chosen to live my life as being a Life Junkie, with the tagline, Inspired Living.

My products are made with love and good intention that the end user will find peace, clarity and feel inspired to fully accept who they are and be grateful where they are, no matter how muddy the journeys path may seem.  I choose to live in love, integrity and empathy and to share my love, passion and life lessons. 

We are all in this together and connect in ways we cannot tangibly explain. 
Stand tall, be bold, fierce, speak your truth, beat to your own drum and love yourself. 

Love is the fabric of the universe.
My wish is for everyone to feel worthy enough to blanket themselves in it.  


In memory of Elayne

I used journals, meditation, candles and gemstones through out my life and during my healing journey and felt as though this was something I wanted to share with others. After Elayne passed I did a lot more soul searching and took my Reiki Level 1, 2 & 3 Masters course and during one of the attunement ceremonies I had an experience that reaffirmed that I was on the right path. I knew Elayne was guiding me.

Why candles?!?
After a counselling session one day, I was asked to go home and do something that I LOVE that reminded me of pure happiness. I dug through my old supplies and found my old candle making stuff (I dabbled a really long time ago and loved it; then life got busy). Using a double-broiler and essential oils I had around the house, I made my first candle. After pouring the candle, I took a gemstone that I loved and dropped it in the bottom of the candle.. I wanted to have the energy of the stone in the candle. It felt so therapeutic and my energy was on a completely different plane when I was creating!
I could feel my positive energy all around me and I knew I had found my path!! .. and so was born the first candle being a Life Junkie.

All life's challenges, big or little lead us to valuable lessons if we so choose to understand and receive them. I choose the path of love & compassion.

Being a Life Junkie is about creating a life that is wholesome, compassionate, positive and environmentally conscious.  

I welcome you to be part of my world.
